* Hello! Space guy!
* I want you to know I'm unarmed, okay?
* I'm here to help, I don't want anyone else to get hurt tonight! Okay? |
* Okay! We can chat at a safe distance, that's okay! |
* I'm a friend! An ally at least.
* You can call me Coral-- uh, Jasper. |
* ....Yeah okay sure.
* Look, I know you're going through a lot right now.
* But, right now, if we're gonna get you to safety, I really do need you to trust me.
* Okay?
Trust you?? You-- you were with him! I saw you!! |
* I don't like what he was doing back there either!!!
* He and I... we don't see eye to eye, on everything, and on this I'm on your side. Okay?
* I'm with you.
* I... don't want anyone else to die tonight. |
So... So what, huh? You want me to just-- take you at your word? |
* I get it! I get it. I'm a complete stranger, here, you don't know a thing about me.
* But, mate, you gotta understand. Right now?
* I'm your only option.
* I think you know that.
* Cliff... he listens to me, okay? I can get him to stand down. I can get you out of this. |
Get me... out?
That. That's a joke.
I'm a grunt, I'm going to die here, I-- I-- |
Wh-- why do you need to know? |
* I don't need to, I'm just askin'. Yeah? |
* Okay. Okay! That's a. Name. |
Oh... oh Helix. Oh Helix. I ran!
I can't believe I ran, I... |
* Um, hey, it's okay!
* Given the circumstances, that was a canny tactical decision. |
Was it, though?? I... I just...
Everyone else went down, and, and I, I realized I'm all alone on this planet, and...
Training wasn't like this--! |
* You're not alone, you've got me! |
H-- you don't get it, I...
I don't have the empire behind me. I can't call for backup, or buy time, or-- I have nothing.
I'm just-- I'm just a grunt, what am I supposed to do... |
* Hey, hey hey! It's okay, mate, it's okay, I'm here.
* You know, I got a friend who's in a situation a lot like yours.
* Her name's Sunny.
* She's a reptile, actually, kinda like you!
* Just, she's got these big yellow stripes instead of feathers. |
* That's right.
* She's... stuck, somewhere.
* Somewhere scary I can't get to. I wish I could help her.
* And I wonder how scared she must be wherever she is.
* But I know she's gonna be okay. And you know how I know? |
* Cause she's smart. Cause she's tough.
* Cause she knows how to work together with people who can help her, even when everything... seems... |
I don't want you to see this. |
* Is that for my sake? Or yours!? |
| |