Another power coupling blown? |
Look, I'm doin' what I can, but the generator's overstressed here... |
Can one single thing go right!? One thing!! |
Please don't fall apart on us, zir.
We're already stranded on a planet not marked on our charts... |
I didn't ask for a psych evaluation, nestling. |
Sorry, zir!! Uh.
In any case we have been making good progress on the hull repairs. |
And we almost got those comms online again!
Warp manifolds are stable... |
It's been a big crash, but we're getting there.
I have faith that with Helix's guidance, we'll be off-world again soon. |
Ugh, don't you start quoting the tablets at me now. |
I'm baaack! Pretty good haul this time, hreh. |
Pluck yeah, give 'em here. Lemme give it a look-over. |
No need to thank me, hruh hruh. |
What do we got here...
Copper wire, some kinda power cell, bits and bobs...
Ain't exactly the riches of Klorvne here, but... |
I'm sure you can handle it. You've always managed to keep us flying before! |
Yeah, well, every lucky streak's gotta end someday.
C'mon, help me carry this stuff inside... |
...You were gone a while. |
I can't exactly take a trip to the local used shipyard here, hreh.
Scrounging takes time. |
Nobody saw you, did they? |
Hraugh, this again? These guys are cavemen. You know they don't even have hover-pulsors? |
You have to be joking. We can't afford to attract attention here. |
Hrah, you scared? Scared they'll throw some pointy sticks at us? |
There are EIGHT of us, soldier!! EIGHT!
And millions, potentially BILLIONS of them!!
We don't even have a solid profile on their weaponry! |
Hate to say it, Captain, but I'm with the big lady here.
These guys are clueless. We're fine. |
Of all the insubordinate...!
It's every damn time with these bottom feeders.
Why do I always get assigned the rejects? Did I piss off someone in command?? |
Maybe it's your can-do attitude, zir... |
Don't you start.
As soon as we get off this rock you will not believe the report I'm gonna write.
I'm engraving it, in granite, every single one of these indignities-- |
| |