General Ribrax
Attack! Now!!

The Bastard is assailed by a hail of lasers and plasma bolts fired by the Aveans.


  Avean Grunt

  Avean Captain
Surround him!

Ribrax surges forward and grabs him by the neck.



  General Ribrax
Let me finish this.


  Avean Heavy
Securing the perimeter! Hrah!

Jiro smirks darkly as an Avean Grunt grabs his hands behind his back.

Gotcha, jackass
Drown with me

You-- don't you FUCKING smirk at me!

  General Ribrax
Target neutralized.


The Bastard shrieks, almost weeping, pinned against the ground by Ribrax.


The Grunt marches Jiro down the halls of the facility.

  Avean Grunt
Alright, pal, you've had your fun.
Time to get you back to the labs...

Sunny appears! She places herself between the grunt and Jiro.

* Fantastic work, buddy!


  Avean Grunt
Oh! Thanks...

* You really went above and beyond back there, mate!
* Why don't I take that specimen off your hands while you get some well-deserved rest, ay? I can handle this from here.

  Avean Grunt
Well, I, uh, I guess that's fine.

* Great! I'll be sure to put a good word in for ya.
* Seeya when I seeya, mate!

  Avean Grunt
Haha! Thanks a bundle!

The grunt walks away with a stupid smile while, behind him, Sunny piles Jiro into an air vent.

Kinda feel bad for that guy
You're here...
Why are you here? You should have gone home while you had the chance
I lured that bastard here specifically so you could get away
You've wasted my efforts

* Fuck is that attitude? I look like a quitter to you?
* I'm not about to bludge while a mate's in danger, we're in this to win this.

I missed you
You idiot. You don't know what's good for you.
I... didn't think I'd see you again
You said we can't get through the portal anymore. You're stuck here.
You're stuck here with me.

* C'mon, Jiro.
* Can't keep a girl like me down for long.
* We just gotta keep our heads down, hide out while the heat boils off.

Sunny climbs in after Jiro and shuts the vent behind her.

* And yeah, you're welcome.
* Missed you too.

Lum says:
First things first: you know we have a cast page now? Take a look!

Second: Thanks so much to everyone who responded to the Foreach reader survey! It's been great learning a little more about all you beautiful people. Especially those extra thoughts at the end! Rest assured we've read every single one of them. Yes, even yours. We really appreciated yours in particular. :)

And if you didn't respond to the survey, get ova here!!! It's quick, it's easy, and it's gratifying for us to read. A win/win/win!

Here's the link! It's open til the end of the year. Thaaaaaanks!