Cliff takes a call from Mercy. He looks slightly annoyed.

  Major Mercy
Mason, status report.

  Cliff Mason
Situation's normal. I'm making progress.
Made it through to some kind of atrium. Haven't found the labs yet, but I've got a good feeling about where I'm headed from here.
Fortunately, I ran into one of their scientists. She's been helping me out. She's agreed to help me find whatever this objective is.

  Major Mercy
You what!?
Mason, are you out of your mind?

  Cliff Mason
It's fine, Mercy.
This'll help me get the mission done faster. It's under control.

  Major Mercy
Cliff, that scientist is the ENEMY.
Who knows what kind of-- misinformation she could be feeding you!

  Cliff Mason
"Misinformation"? Like what.

  Major Mercy
They're-- You're going to be led right into an ambush, Mason! You cannot listen to a word they say!

  Cliff Mason
Oh no. An ambush, that's just terrible. Maybe they'll manage to actively inconvenience me this time.

  Major Mercy
Do not take that tone with me! I am your superior officer, in case you've forgotten!

  Cliff Mason
Oh come on, what are you gonna do about it? Court martial me?
Or are you just going to give me a stern talking to, like usual?

Cliff begins yelling into his earpiece, to the awkwardness of Sunny and the Aveans.

  Major Mercy
You are OUT of LINE, Mason!

  Cliff Mason
Maybe I NEED to be! You won't tell me a damn thing out here, so if this is what it takes to get some goddamn background, so be it!

  Major Mercy
This is just the latest in a long line of conduct violations, Mason!
Diregarding orders, questioning your assignments, whatever it was you did with the comms towers on the LAST mission!

  Cliff Mason
Maybe I wouldn't QUESTION my orders if they made a LICK of goddamn SENSE!

  Major Mercy
You're acting like a RECRUIT!!
Do I need to start TREATING YOU like one!?
Is that what you need!? Do I need to make you sleep in the brig? Start giving you SURPRISE INSPECTIONS!?

  Cliff Mason
What!? No, NO!

Cliff begins to sweat
Mercy's voice drops down to a quiet, measured, hiss.

  Major Mercy
I'm sorry?
...Why shouldn't I inspect your pod, Mason?

  Cliff Mason
It's-- uh--

  Major Mercy
You're not hiding anything. Are you.

  Major Mercy
You don't have something I wouldn't want to see, DO YOU?

  Cliff Mason
Listen, Mercy, listen to me!

* Everything good there, mate?

  Cliff Mason
Oh, shit shit SHIT SHIT!!
Initiate warp recall!

Cliff teleports away. The Aveans stare at Sunny, dumbstruck.

  Avean Grunt
...What did you say to him??

Cliff runs, frenzied, out of his pod's teleporter.

  Cliff Mason
C'mon, c'mon--!

He turns a corner, and runs into-- Mercy. She's standing there, in his pod, equipped in full battle armour. One of her arms is replaced with a plasma cannon, the other is a terrible mechanical claw, gently cradling the little angel Allen. She glances over at Cliff with a deathly cold look in her eyes.

  Major Mercy
You told me you killed it, Mason.