Cliff blasts some Aveans with his laser-magnum. He carries the weird angel thing with his other arm.

  Cliff Mason
You mind if I give you a name? I'm thinking "Allen". Like, Allen the Alien. You know?


  Cliff Mason
Agh, sorry, man! This isn't a good environment for you, is it?
Just gotta finish this mission and you'll be home safe, you think you can hold out?

HhhhHH hhhh hhhhhkk

  Cliff Mason
Why don't I tell you a story, huh?
How about... how about the time I first met a little guy like you?

hh hhh...

He thinks back to the past...

  Cliff Mason
I remember it well. I'd just gotten back from a deployment in France...

  Cliff Mason
He was already a few months old by then. Broke my heart, missing his birth. Mesa was understanding, at least. Guess she has to be. There's a war on.

Cliff and and his beautiful meathead wife, Mesa, stand in the hallway of a modest home. He looks haggard. Mesa's holding a baby in her arms-- she's offering him to Cliff, beckoning for him to hold him.

First thing she did, when I got back, she let me hold him. Literally had him in hand when I first got through the door. But when she goes to hand him over, I hesitate, and of course she notices, and she goes:

Come on, big man. You scared or something?

I, uh, maybe?

Of a baby?

Hey-- I just-- what if I break him, or--

Oh yeah, you're right. One touch of your powerful biceps and he'll just turn to dust.

I know, I know, I shouldn't be so...

We'll never live it down. Obliterating our baby.

Alright, just hand him over.

So she gives him to me, and... God. He looks up at me, and he just breaks into that little smile, and it's just...

A beautiful baby with the most precious smile you've ever seen. You understand, don't you?

That's when you get it, you know? You get what it's all about.

  Cliff Mason
I reckon he'll like you. My kid. He always did love weird little creatures. Uh, no offense.
Mesa... at first she'll be cross with me for bringing another little scamp home, but I give her two weeks before she's babytalking you while she vacuums.

  Cliff Mason
...I'm sure it can't be long now til they let me back, right? I've been gone since 2052. I get that this mission is important, I get I'm the only one who can do it, it's just-- argh! Four years! My boy is growing up out there, back home, and I don't even get to see--!

Allen starts getting really noisy.

Hhhh-- kkhkhhk

  Cliff Mason
Agh, sorry! I shouldn't lay all this on you. You're just a. Uh. Little guy-thing.
I just miss 'em, you know? I wish there were some way for us to...

Cliff looks up at the last comms tower.

  Cliff Mason