Jiro walks round the edge of the beach.

He encounters Sam the ghost again.

* Oh hey.
* You came back.

Didn't have much better to do
I promised, didn't I
Wanted to see if you'd still be here

* I guess you did.
* How was your... thing?

Kinda sucked
Literally have no opinion. I performed my duties on the field and then left and in that intermediate time I felt no emotions positive or negative. It was a yawning void of feeling.
Got in a fight with a stupid asshole who said some pointless bullshit
It looked dire for a minute, but the girls fought well. We managed to repel the enemy. So that's good.
Kinda wish it went worse

* Oh, you guys, like, fight bad guys? That's kinda cool.

No it isn't
I was just telling you minutes ago just how bad it is. Were you even listening? What is your problem? Why is everyone I meet like this?
I guess so

* If your life's gotta suck at least it sucks in a cool way, right? I dunno.

Jiro smiles just a little. Sam doesn't notice.

So, you need anything?
Please give me an excuse to not return to my life right now

* Appreciate the effort, but needs aren't really a thing I have anymore. Being dead and all.

Of course. Stupid. I look like an idiot.
Just give me a shout if you do.

* Thanks man.
* It's nice you're lookin out for me. Even if I... yeah.
* I never really had a friend before but... I'm glad I have one now.

Yeah. Me too.
You're welcome

* It's just... with knowing I got someone like you in my corner...
* I think I can safely say my unfinished business is fulfilled.

Wait wait wait what does that mean

Sam fades away. Jiro reaches his arms out.

* I'll never forget you... Jiro...

Sam is gone. Jiro stands alone on the dark and moonless beach.