Woooow!! This place is so beautiful!
The way the light falls on the mountains... it sets my heart aflutter!

I guess it's kinda cool...

We should go for a swim in the river! Wouldn't that be fun!

Wh- what!? But we didn't bring our swimsuits!
We can't just take all our clothes off in front of Jiro!
Th-then... he'd see...

Hee hee, don't be silly, Helen! We'd make Jiro wear a blindfold, of course!

I guess that would make it alright...
Jiro, you'd better not even THINK about sneaking a peek!

Girls, please, we can't go for a swim right now. We've got work to do here. Let's stay focused.

Awwww, come on, Polyta! It's just a bit of fun!

There'll be plenty of time for fun when we're back at the island. But right now, we're on an important mission ordained by the Goddess herself. Let's make sure we stay on track.

I know, but...

Maybe we should ask Jiro what he thinks we should do.
He is the Goddess' Love Champion, or whatever...

Yeah! What about it, Jiro? Should we focus on the mission, or should we take a break to have a nice, refreshing swim?

Take a swim
Focus on the mission

Well said, Jiro! The mission should always come first.

Oh well! Jiro might disagree with me here, but I know that in his heart of hearts he still likes me best!

Whaaaaat? No!
Jiro obviously likes me best! Not that I, like, care or anything...

Come on, girls, don't drag Jiro down into this.
Unless... it's me you like most...?

I like Rilly best!
I like Helen best!
I like Polyta best!
I like you all equally!

Awwwwwwwwwww! You're such a sweetie, Jiro!

Yeah... I guess you're kinda nice...

You always do know just what to say, Jiro.

Wait...! What's that!

GROAAAAARRR!!! Stupid little elves!
I'll crush you into soup! HA HA HAAAA!

The manticore!!

Time to rumble, it looks like.

That's right, girls. Let's go!
